Here I am - this is where I stay in touch and keep friends and family up to date with what is happening
in my oh so busy life! LOL

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Sunday, June 5, 2011

I feel like I dodged a bullet :)

I was talking to my cousin yesterday, and we both chuckled as she asked "Are you going to write another book while you are recuperating ?" she thinks the name should be "I'm still here"

Seriously, I really hope that things get really quiet in my life for a while.  Perhaps I should just give up the whole Cancer follow-up routine.  It seems like the cure is worse than the disease!  Pills to take pills, side effects that either make you feel 90 or grow odd little things in the body.  I mean- geeesh!

For all of the unwanted things that Cancer has given me - I do know that it has also blessed me with more support and friendships that would not be had it not been for this crappy disease.  I have also been blessed with the clarity of what is truly important in life & it has nothing to do with material things!

It was absolutely amazing when we got the news that George was gone and would not cause further problems!  They call your friends on facebook peeps, well my peeps were peeping away...  So many good wishes and words of encouragement, so much gratitude and faith that God hears our prayers.

It feels good to have dodged this bullet!