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Monday, February 20, 2012

What's up in an upside down world?

In this world that is overflowing with "political correctness" and feel good blah... "everyone gets a trophy, so nobody feels bad" Facebook has now stepped up to the plate with idiocies.  Yes - FACEBOOK!  It isn't really offensive if people drop f bombs like wildfire and show pics of nude strippers and every other thing imaginable... BUT, don't show the realism of Breast Cancer.  David Jay, a talented photographer that has been working his project "The Scar Project  http://www.thescarproject.org has been doing amazing work for the past few years.

David shows that Breast Cancer is not just a "pink ribbon".  His realistic pictures of women affected by the devastation of Breast Cancer show that we each still posses an inner beauty that comes from the soul.  We are transformed only in our body image by our scars.  David's pictures have been on Facebook for several years.
Now, all of a sudden, they have become politically conscious to the "I am offended by everything" movement that is sweeping our country and they have asked David to remove all of his pictures.

I ask you, those whom I know still have your rational senses to tell Facebook how "off base" they are with this policy.  These pictures help women that are scared and confused by what this disease will leave them with or without!  The pictures helped me and some that I know to realize that our beauty is not just as deep as the skin of our breasts.  These pictures help women to live! 

Yes, I am angry about this.  I am really saddened that there are those that can no longer look reality in the face and deal with it!

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